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IB Extended Essay: EE Home

Online Writing Lab - Purdue

Effective Notetaking

No matter what note-taking technique you use, these are important guidelines to follow:

  • Develop, modify, then stick to a strategy that works for you.
  • Read for understanding.
  • Paraphrase! (That's how you know you understand.)
  • Be able to trace every single idea in your notes to its source.
  • Write just enough - not so much that it's like reading the original all over again, not so little that you don't know what it means later.
  • Abbreviations, symbols, and diagrams are great, as long as you'll remember what they mean.

Understanding plagiarism

IB Y1 EE Library - Lesson 4

Meeting with Advisors - Dec. 4

IB Y1 EE Library - Lesson 3

IB Y1 EE Library - Lesson 2


IB Y1 EE - Introduction (Lesson 1)

EE Y2 Seminar

IB Y1 EE Library - Lesson 1

  • Bookmark this guide!

Benchmark Goals

Paraphrasing & Annotation

EE Research

IB Y1 EE Library - Lesson 6

IB Y1 EE Library - Lesson 5

EE Lesson - Outline Sample

IB Core Library - Lesson 6 - Annotation & June Goals

IB Core Library - Lesson 5 - Effective Searching

IB Core - Semester 2

Recommended Databases for the EE

If accessing databases from home, use the link to find the passwords.

All EE students should use EBSCO and JSTOR. Also, check the list for subject-specific databases.

Open Access Economics Databases

Open Access Databases - General

These databases provide free full text access to many scholarly sources.

Broad general reading to generate ideas

Websites to stretch your brain.  Browse, read, and let your mind wander.


Of course you can use Google, Google Scholar and Google Books, but try these search engines as well.

Thanks to Katie Day at the United World College of South East Asia for generating much of this list.

Sources for data on countries and regions

Open Access Databases - Sciences


Libguide Creator

Linda Hoiseth, MS/HS Librarian

+91 11 2688 8854 Ext: 3358

Twitter: @lhoiseth



Creative Commons License

This guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.