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2021 AES Stein Library Annual Report: Responsible, Compassionate Global Citizens

Annual Report header

The American Embassy School libraries support the AES Mission. The libraries encourage “inspired lifelong learning” and support all areas of the AES curriculum. Literacy, literature appreciation, inquiry, and collaboration are key components of the library programs. Both libraries’ welcoming environments provide access to current, relevant resources.

You are invited to look at all three pages of this report by clicking on the three tabs above. 

Library Internship


My name is Simpy Sharma and I am a 3rd-year college student. I am a student council member in TCLP (The Community Library Project). I had an internship at AES which is totally different from my library, and this is a good thing. That’s why I learned so much. The first thing I learned is Software; I knew Koha, but now I am familiar with Destiny too. I learned about circulation, cataloging, book purchasing, shelving in the Dewey system, and how to do all things to support the members. We do this in our library, but this much different from us because we are a community and free library and this is a school library and private. I got to know many things which I can use in my library. And in my personal life, I learned traveling, being independent, and a bit confident.

Book Launch!

The library was proud to host a virtual  book launch for AES senior Mihir Dhawan's first novel, Order of Chivalry. He was interviewed by Neha Kaul, and talked about his motivations for writing the book and his writing process. Over 50 people attended the launch, and they asked some fantastic questions. 

The proceeds of Mihir's book all go to support The Community Library Project.

I just wanted to write to thank you for your help on the ancient civilization project. Your feedback has been extremely helpful, and your presentation on using library resources really helped me remember how many different resources we have at our disposal. So thanks!


Used Book Giveaways


Every year we accept donations from AES families, and we weed books that are no longer required in our library collections. We weren't able to host our regular used book sales this year, so we did something even better - we gave books away! Students, faculty, and staff were able to simply take what they wanted. In addition, a number of non-profit organizations were able to select books for their libraries, schools, or organizations. 

The organizations that accepted donations this year included The Community Library Project, the American Welcome Association, Teach for India, Tibetan Children's Village, the UN Kindergarten Library, the Vivekanand Camp Library, the Virmani Education Trust, and the Mayur Public School.

New Books for Global Citizens

Previous Annual Reports

8th Grade Author Visit

The 8th-grade students read Dear Mrs. Naidu as part of the PeOPle Project, and had the fantastic opportunity to meet with the book's author Dr. Mathangi Subramaniam. She helped them understand the importance of doing quality, ethical research when learning about people and their communities. We are hopeful this is a relationship that will continue for years to come!

Partnership with TCLP

The AES Libraries continue to support the work of The Community Library Project as much as possible. Again this year we sponsored a TCLP intern and donated books to their libraries. Linda Hoiseth and MS teacher Jeni Henderson presented a workshop on raising readers at the TCLP Free Libraries Workshop.

Vivekanand Camp Library


AES continued to support the Vivekanand Camp Library, even though COVID prevented volunteers from participating in person. The librarian Balu (who works in the AES central depository) opened the library each week, and each week dozens of children came to read and borrow books. 

Dear Mrs. Hoiseth,

I just want to say that I appreciate your help so much. I'm really bad at finding sources, and even before you have helped me out a lot (with not necessarily sources, but with sora, and books as well). 

Thank you again,


Laurie Halse Anderson on Consent

Laurie Halse Anderson presented a session for our high school students on the very important topic of consent. Dozens of students and teachers stayed well beyond the 45-minutes allotted for the session to learn more and ask questions. 

A recording of this session is available to members of the AES community. If you'd like the link, email Linda Hoiseth.

"I really liked how Laurie spoke on a lot of topics which usually makes people feel uncomfortable, like about sex and consent when doing anything sexual. She also spoke about rejection and how schools should discuss more about it to prevent any sexual harassment from the "embarrassment", and I thought that was really interesting because I would just think of talking more about consent but not really the idea of rejection." - Grade 10 student

Stein Library Team

Linda Hoiseth, Murari Sharma, Anita Saigal, Simpy Sharma, Ravinder Choudhary, Gaurav Bisht

Libguide Creator

Linda Hoiseth, MS/HS Librarian

+91 11 2688 8854 Ext: 3358

Twitter: @lhoiseth
